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Will Gemini Come to iPhones?

This Gemini integration is going to be beneficial for the iPhone’s virtual assistant Siri too. Siri is not on par with its competitors because, unlike its rivals, Siri lacks AI support

By Arpit Dwivedi
New Update
apple gemini

Image: Hardwire

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You may have heard numerous talks on how Apple is running behind in the AI race. Every single Android manufacturer has used AI in their smartphones and highlighted its life-changing capabilities in the last couple of years but Apple iPhones don’t have anything like this yet.

Bloomberg recently reported that Apple and Google are negotiating a deal to use Google's Gemini model for AI features in the upcoming iOS update, later this year. If this partnership is formed, the iOS 18 may be equipped with AI features like generative image and text creation. 

However, the partnership has not been yet confirmed officially. We’ll most likely have clear information from Apple’s worldwide developers conference by June 2024.

If tech giants crack a deal, the integration is going to be beneficial for the iPhone’s Siri too. The virtual assistant is not on par with its competitors because, unlike its rivals, Siri lacks AI support. This integration will allow Siri to understand and respond to complex topics easily. There are reports of how Apple themselves are frustrated with Siri’s developments, so this integration will definitely bring them a little calmness.

While everything is still under wraps, we all know how Apple themselves have been trying to develop many AI tools. An LLM named Ajax and a basic chatbot named Apple GPT are two of them. However,reportedly, the performance of Apple’s AI models is not as good as the competitors from Google and OpenAI and that’s why they are conducting these partnership talks.

Google pays Apple billions of Dollars to keep its search engine as the default option in the iPhones, so if this partnership deals are closed we can expect something similar over here as well. Apple products like the iPhones, iPads, and Macs have around 2 Billion active users worldwide which is a big marketplace for any brand, and if Apple allows someone’s software to be used on these devices they will definitely charge a hefty amount for it.

If this partnership is successful then it’ll disrupt the AI industry as two software giants will be together for the betterment of the technology and people. However, as the history tells, Apple themselves will attempt bring their own AI model later in the future as a permanent solution because they won’t want to be left behind in this modern race of Artificial Intelligence.