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Luma AI Dream Machine Can Convert Your Images to Real Life Videos

Dream Machine by Luma AI is OpenAI Sora's competitor that can generate videos from text prompts or images. The best part? It is publicly available and we tested it.

By Nikhil Srivastava
New Update

Image Credit: Luma

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Luma AI has released Dream Machine AI tool to let users create videos from text prompts or images. It is a free text-to-video generator that is designed to give Sora and Kling, a tough competition. One of the features that make it different from other AI tools is its ability to generate videos at 120 frames per second, with the option to slow them down further during post-processing. 

According to Luma AI, it understands how animals, humans, and other objects react in the real world and creates a 5-second, physically accurate video with realistic characters and story lines. Dream Machine understands camera movements and film effects; it allows users to experiment with an endless array of fluid, cinematic, and naturalistic camera motions matching the mood and contents of the scene.

The tool is available in public and users can generate 10 videos per day. There's a premium subscription available where users have the ability to create unlimited videos. 

LumaAI Videos

We tested the Dream Machine by Luma AI to generate videos from text prompts as well as images. You can also test this by going to Dream Machine Luma AI website.

Prompt 1: 'A sad dog waiting for a human in the rain.'


Result: As you can see in the above screenshot, the dog, the rain, and the road look real, and are not just a 3D design. The dog, looking sad, was wandering on the road in the rain.

Prompt 2: 'An Apple falls from the tree'

LUMA AIIt generated a video in which an apple fell from the tree in slow motion.

Luma AI suggested the third prompt: 'A teddy bear in sunglasses playing electric guitar and dancing.'

The result was a video of a real-looking teddy bear wearing sunglasses and playing guitar in front of a waterfall which looked cool. 

However, these AI tools have significant drawbacks, such as copyright, fair use of content, and commercialization. Despite these drawbacks, video generation tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated, enabling users to generate ideas, showcase products, and comprehend real-life concepts.